Wednesday, June 5, 2013

opera for a small room @ AGO (art gallery of ontario)

"Lost In the Memory Palace" one of the most intriguing exhibits I've ever seen. A series of rooms containing art installations from Canadian artists Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller. Within each room a highly detailed imaginary world of light, sound & set which bombards & excites the senses. And in which 'you', the gallery attendee, are an active participant in each room's unique environment, motion sensors operating much of the sound, light & narrative effects. Above, a small detail of the installation titled "Opera for a Small Room" where multiple turntables & speakers take you on an operatic journey of stunning magnitude. Go see it. You won't regret it. AGO until August 18th.

Other exhibit titles within the "Memory Palace" : Road Trip; The Storm Room; Experiment in F# Minor (fabulous) ; The Dark Pool; The Killing Machine; The Muriel Lake Incident. (at AGO, 4th floor, til August 18 / 2013)

In addition, installed in the main floor Henry Moore Sculpture Centre, Janet Cardiff's Millenium Prize winning sound installation "The Forty Part Motet" : 8 five-part choirs (all members of the uk's Salisbury Cathedral Choir), 40 speakers. You may never want to leave.